Schools Information
School visits are very welcome.
Our School Programs provide a unique vision into the history of 19th Century Australia. Including the development of Caboolture from the cotton farmers producing cotton for the American Civil War in the 1860s, through the gold rush in 1869 and sugar cane being produced by the Morayfield Sugar Plantation in 1873.
Schools can select from a wide range of activities which include programs developed specifically to support the Australian Curriculum e.g.
• re-enactments,
• gem sieving at the Gem Club,
• assisting with washing duties in the old-time laundry,
• watching the blacksmith and old printery in action and other activities
The Caboolture Historical Village plays host to many schools from all over south-east Queensland annually.
A visit to the Village focuses on changes to our lifestyle, transport, communication and industry as it was.
The Village is made up of over 70 buildings, displaying some 110,000 items and is set on 12 acres. There is a Cafe and Tea Room on site for light refreshments.
We are happy to help with any questions you may have.

Entry Prices
- The price per student is $13.00 (this price includes entry, GST and most activities)
- 1 school adult (teacher, teachers aid or carer) to every 10 students is admitted free of charge. Additional adults (parents or relatives to students in attendance) will be charged the student entry price of $13.00.
- A train ride is included in the price
Suggested Itinerary
- Arrive (usual ETA 9:30am). Have a 10 – 15 minute toilet and food break.
- On the day of your visit your group will be split into smaller groups of no more than 26 students and five adults.
- The train has only 30 seats.
- You will be given a timetable for the demonstrations. These will be from 10:00am to 12.30pm in 20 minute blocks.
- Around 12:30pm have lunch.
- Complete your activity book and exploration through the Village.
- (Teachers can review answers at the Village or later back at school.)
- Before you leave, remember to have another toilet break and/or snack break.
School Historical Pack
The village is now pleased to offer a new arrangement to assist you with teaching the children. We have created packs (cartons) of various historical items which Queensland schools can get on loan. These packs will be on loan to each school for a period of one month (or more by arrangement) for the cost of only $200.00. N.B. if the same school then books an excursion to the village $100 of the fee will be refunded. The packs can be collected from the village during business hours (9 am to 4 pm, 7 days a week).
Download our Risk Assessment Form
We ask that all schools have a ratio of 1 adult to every 10 students. Teachers, teacher aids or carers from the school receive free entry. Additional parent/adult helpers will be charged entry at the student rate.
School Activities
The Village plays host to schools from all over Queensland annually. A visit to the Village focuses on changes to our lifestyle, transport, communication since early settlement.
The Village is made up of 70 buildings, housing some 110,000 items and set on 12 acres. There is a Tearoom and Café on site for light refreshments.
School visits are conducted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays subject to demonstrator availability.
We have a number of activities available to Schools. If you would like to have any of these activities available to you, please contact the Schools Coordinator by using the email link here:
BLACKSMITH - Our Blacksmiths will make every effort to be in the Village on days when schools are visiting. The students will see how fire is used to heat metal and how an anvil and cold water are used to shape the metal. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes.
MARITIME MUSEUM - Our Demonstrator will talk about the First Fleet and what the voyage was like for those onboard. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes.
OLD SCHOOLHOUSE - Our Demonstrator will talk about when our schoolhouse was first built, what classes were taught there and how many students were enrolled. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes.
PRINT SHOP - Our Demonstrator will talk about the history of printing and explain how some of the vintage print machines work. Students will be able to make a bookmark using the vintage print machines. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes.
TRANSPORT MUSEUM - Our Demonstrator will talk about the history of transport from the horse and cart through to the airplane. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes. The Queensland Department of Transport has installed a display titled, “Transport, Then and Now”, in our Railway Museum. This display is directly aimed at primary school children so please make the time to see it during your visit also.
TRAIN - We provide all students with a ride on the train which runs on a 500-metre track within the Village. This activity does not require booking. Watch for some surprises on the ride. For safety reasons we do not run the train when there is heavy rainfall. (This ride is dependent on volunteer availability and the weather on the day.)
WASHING - Our Demonstrator will talk about the old ways of washing and what was used and how. Students will be able to hold some items and interact on 'washing day'. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes.
OLD PUMPS AND ENGINES - The Antique Machinery Restoration Society of Queensland provide a very interactive talk and demonstration on how water and light were provided in colonial days. From hand pumping water to generator and candlelight through to electric light bulb. This demonstration will last about 15 minutes.
QUEENSLAND PRISON MUSEUM - Housed inside the police station the museum focuses on the history of the prison system in Queensland. Two historic timber lock-up cells are also located at the back of the police station along with the morgue. Volunteers Mick and Steve can give presentations of some of the items as well as a presentation that is very interactive on the local prison history and is available on a Wednesday.
GEM SIEVING - The Caboolture Gem Club runs an activity called “sieve-a-gem”. For $2.00 the students get a lucky dip and a go at using a big sieve and a drum full of sawdust to “sieve-a-gem”, much like panning for gold. No student walks away without a collection of pretty coloured gems. Bookings for this activity are essential and for the 2023 School Year is only available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. An invoice will be presented to the school, on the day, from the Caboolture Gem Club who is a separate entity.
LEARNING RESOURCES - We provide a Workbook, that can be downloaded from our website, to take on their journey through the Village exhibits. They fill out the answers during the day to re-enforce the learning experience. A separate Workbook with the answers is also available to download.
Kids Village Project Books Available to Download:
Designed to be interactive, interesting, and help you with your visit to the Village